We will learn to increase strength: methods, products, medicine and folk medicine

a woman and a man with poor strength how to increase

Many men and their partners are often very concerned about the question, "How to increase strength? " Unfortunately, a significant number of representatives of the powerful part of humanity suffer from such a sad problem. And not all because of age. What are the causes of the problems associated with strength? What are the ways and means to rectify the situation? How to increase strength? The answers to these and many other questions will now be considered.


Before talking about how to increase strength, consider the factors that can cause the problem associated with erection. This is usually what causes:

  • Lack of testosterone. It may be due to disturbances in the function of the endocrine system. Because of them, prolactin begins to be actively produced and it neutralizes testosterone. However, the cause is most often age. An older man's body simply stops producing hormones that are necessary for an active sex life. But not always there are exceptions.
  • Psychological factor. It affects young guys who are just starting to get their sexual experience. It is only natural that they should be accompanied by a fear of failure. And any rudeness, ridicule or careless utterance from a partner can lead to the development of complexes. And they, in turn, affect the young person's sexual performance.
  • Vascular diseases. They are also common. Circulatory disorders often lead to vascular impotence. The filling of the hollow bodies with blood is physiologically weakened.
  • Neurogenic disorders. Diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves can cause complete or partial blockage of impulses that cause erection.
  • Spinal trauma, cerebrovascular pathology, oncological neoplasms and disc herniation. The reason is again blocking of impulses.
  • Iatrogenic disorders. Decreased potency is a side effect of some powerful and specific drugs. Of course, replacing the medication with an analog usually helps after a medical consultation to restore an erection. But sometimes this is not possible. In the case of cardiovascular disease, for example, only certain drugs are listed. Unfortunately, this treatment leads to impotence.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, promiscuous intercourse, use of harmful products, frequent visits to the sauna. . . This lifestyle affects not only the strength but also the condition of the body as a whole.

After determining the cause (why it is recommended to go to the doctor), you can start treatment. It is actually prescribed by a specialist, but it will be helpful for everyone to familiarize themselves with the possible options in advance.

a man of poor strength how to increase

Nutrition: what should you give up?

Increasing strength, no matter what one may say, does not work without observing the proper diet and diet.

First of all, you will need to give up the frequent intake of fatty foods. It contributes to the occurrence of obesity and an increase in the number of female sex hormones, due to which the level of male sex hormones decreases. The ban is also imposed:

  • Beer. It greatly disturbs the hormone balance.
  • Fast food. Burgers, pies, chips, french fries. . . These and many other foods are sources of transgenic fats. They are also found in ice cream and margarine.
  • Caffeine. It increases the amount of estrogen, female sex hormones.
  • Baking. It is a source of compounds that are harmful to men's health, such as acids, yeast and sugar.
  • Smoked products. On the male genitals, liquid smoke has a lethal effect due to the acids, phenol and carbonyl compounds it contains.
  • Sweet. You do not have to give it up completely. However, an excess of sugar in the blood greatly interferes with strength. Therefore, you should limit yourself to a daily maximum of 50 g.

The "stop list" also includes: fatty beef and pork, butter and fatty cheese, liver pate and canned fish, egg yolks, caviar and shrimp.

junk food for strength

More calcium and phosphorus

If a man wonders about the question of how to increase strength at home, he should change his diet.

Be sure to start eating foods high in calcium and phosphorus. These two elements are not useful in isolation, as their exchange is closely linked.

Calcium, in addition to being involved in the formation and development of bone tissue, helps prevent premature and premature ejaculation. It is found in the following foods:

  • Sesame and poppy seeds.
  • Parmesan.
  • Basil.
  • Almond.
  • Parsley.
  • Prayers.

And of course, fermented milk products are its source. But you have to be careful here. Men trying to increase strength should not drink more than 1 liter of milk a day. There are no strict restrictions on other fermented milk.

Phosphorus, in turn, converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy, participates in cell division, growth, storage and use of genetic information. The best sources of this substance are:

  • Dried boletus boletus.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Wheat bran.
  • Cashew.
  • Pine and walnuts.

And it is not recommended to focus on a single product. Better to add a little of each to your diet. After all, every product is a source of many other valuable substances.

useful products for strength

What more does the body need?

Continuing to talk about which foods increase strength, it is worth noting that in addition to calcium and phosphorus, the male body also needs:

  • Vitamin E. It has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and their elasticity. This leads to an improvement in blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs. Stimulates the work of the endocrine system, whose organs include the prostate. Sources: peanuts, lamb, peas, buckwheat, strawberries.
  • Vitamin A. Prevents cell aging and the development of urinary tract infections. Sources: yellow and green vegetables, legumes, apricots, peaches, apples, sea buckthorn, rose hips and herbs (burdock, seaweed, lemongrass, peppermint, parsley, plantain, raspberry leaves, sage, etc. ).
  • Vitamin B. Participates in all body processes. Promotes an increase in testosterone levels is a tonic. Increases male strength and attraction. Sources: Sprouts, liver, yeast, walnuts, mussels, oatmeal, spinach, sweet potatoes, herring, cauliflower, broccoli.
  • Vitamin D. Promotes an increase in the level of male hormones. The best source is fish oil capsules. Also found in salmon, grains, mushrooms and orange juice.
  • Zinc. Helps better assimilate vitamin E. It is the building block of testosterone. Sources: Oysters, veal liver, eel, chicken hearts, cocoa, beef tongue, lentils.
  • Selenium. Strengthens erectile function and reproductive ability in the body. Sources: Brazil nut (maximum 2 essential oils per day), oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, coconut, pistachios, garlic, feta cheese, sea fish.
  • Iron. An energetic mineral that maintains sexual energy at the right level. Sources: strawberries, blueberries, rabbit meat, carrots, raisins, persimmons, mulberries, dates, currants, pomegranates, prunes.

This information should be taken into consideration by any man who is concerned about the question of how to increase strength. You can, of course, buy a vitamin and mineral complex at a pharmacy, but natural sources of these drugs are best.

Honey + nuts

They say this is an effective remedy. Many have heard of this and are therefore interested in the question of how to increase the strength of honey and nuts?

nuts with honey for strength

The easiest way is to prepare a mixture of these ingredients, which should then be taken 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l. Just mix honey (2/3) and chopped walnuts (1/3).

By the way, you can enhance the effect of the ingredients with freshly grated ginger. But then all three components are mixed in equal amounts.

There is one more recipe. But for him, you need green, not ripe nuts. Whole, along with the peel. You need to take a jar of any volume (2 liters is enough) and fill it halfway with them after you have washed the fruits and chopped finely. Then pour alcohol or vodka diluted to 40%. Remove for 3 months in a cool, dark place. Then add 100 grams of honey and mix thoroughly. Drink 50 ml at night every day.

What is the help? Nuts are known to be valuable sources of a huge amount of vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, macro- and microelements. And also a natural aphrodisiac! Honey contains antioxidants, monosaccharides, biologically active substances and minerals.

In the complex, the two products complement each other and play the role of a natural potency stimulator.

Folk medicine

Many men who are thinking about how to increase strength at home decide to resort to herbal treatment. Remedies made with their own hands regulate blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, reduce inflammation and increase immunity. The most important thing is to buy the ingredients from the pharmacy, not from questionable stalls.

Here are some recipes:

  • Pour 100 grams of chopped stinging nettle with boiling water (300 ml), let it brew. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. The drug stimulates genitourinary function and has a positive effect on metabolism.
  • Grind 0, 5 tablespoons ginseng root, mix with honey (2 tsp). You get one serving for 1 day. It should be divided into 4 parts, and each taken orally at equal intervals.
  • Grind raw pumpkin seeds and mix in equal amounts with honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day. By the way, enemas with pumpkin seed oil are also recommended. They should be performed in the morning and in the evening every day and injected 100 g each. This will improve the strength and work of the prostate.
  • Mix natural black tea (1 tbsp) with dry thyme flowers (3 pieces). You can add a little mint or honey. Brew a kettle of tea, let it brew for 7-10 minutes. Strain and then drink all day.
  • Pour 100 grams of dry St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, then drink 30 ml four times a day.
  • Pour a tablespoon of fresh crushed garlic with a glass of warm milk. Boil over fire for two minutes, drain. Drink before each meal daily in 2 tbsp. l.
  • Pour 50 grams of dried leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant with a bottle of vodka. Remove to a cool, dark place and let it brew for 2 weeks, shaking the container regularly. Strain and then drink 20 drops three times a day before meals.

It is not recommended to be limited to one remedy, but also not to abuse it. It is worth changing the use of funds with an interval of 2 weeks.

herbal tea for strength


So what you need to eat to increase strength is already clear. Folk medicine is also simple and straightforward. But I want to tell you separately about propolis tincture. This is a miraculous resinous substance that contains a lot of useful trace elements necessary for male strength.

And what is important, it is very easy to prepare a tincture based on this biostimulant. You only need 20 grams of propolis and 80 milliliters of quality vodka. City glue must be crushed thoroughly and then filled with alcohol. Insist for a week in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally.

After the time has passed, you can start taking the medicine. Add 40 drops to a glass of water and drink half an hour before meals. The funds will be enough for 2 weeks, the course lasts the same.


Doctors oppose self-medication and deny the benefits of some folk remedies for strength. In particular, we are talking about the use of soda. This white powder is said to have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, improve the immune system and metabolism and have a good effect on blood circulation.

However, there is also such a perception that soda. . . increases strength in men. How? It does not give an exciting effect. However, it has an advantage in acting on the organs whose malfunction causes the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.

Most often, baths are taken with soda. One pound of powder is diluted in 3 liters of boiling water, the mixture is poured into a hot bath and stirred. Then lie in it for 30 minutes.

Some more do microclysters. One tablespoon of soda is dissolved in one liter of water and the resulting solution is introduced. And they even take sodas inside! 0. 5 tsp is dissolved in a glass of warm milk and drunk. Daily for 2-3 weeks.

But even if a man is very interested in the question "how to increase strength", it is better not to resort to this method. Because there is a risk of poisoning, allergic reactions, irritation. It is not always possible to calculate the dose correctly.


Now we can mention drugs that increase potency. It is important to make reservations that they are only prescribed by a doctor and only after an examination. They all have side effects, and since their action is aimed at correcting the functions of the genitals, you need to be especially careful when taking medication.

a man drinks a pill to increase strength

Even for men who are thinking about how to quickly increase strength, doctors often prescribe injections.


It is worth combining diet, diet and aids with them. There are several effective exercises that increase strength:

  • Morning training. When you wake up, force the penis to rise. This does not mean trying to achieve an erection, but working in muscles whose tension causes his tone. Every day you need to increase the number of elevators. When it is then possible to reach 30 repetitions, it will be necessary to hold the genitals for 2-3 seconds in the raised position each time.
  • "Walking" on the buttocks. An effective way. It is even recommended by urologists when men turn to them with the question of how to increase strength without medication. You should sit on the "fifth point", stretch your legs, bend your arms at the elbows. And "walk" on the buttocks 2 meters forward and alternately move them. Then the same amount - back.
  • Raising and lowering the pelvis. You should lie with your back on the floor and rest your feet. Bend your knees, stretching your arms along your body. Start slowly by raising the pelvis high and returning to the opposite position. To train every day, you can start with two sets of 10 times.
exercises for strength

You can also do kicks, the well-known exercise "bike", lying on your back, effective jump from CrossFit, "birch", squats, "scissors". And in general, it will not be superfluous to sign up for the gym. There is no better folk remedy for strength than physical activity.